about me

My name is Jaron Solomon Salem, born in 1982 in Amsterdam. I grew up in a multicultural family. My mother is Dutch and grew up in Amsterdam. My maternal grandfather is from Appelscha and grandmother from Dordrecht. My father was born in Eritrea, but my parental grandparents are from Yemen and my father grew up in Israel. I am the middle child and have two sisters. My parents got divorced when I was 12 years old.

From survival to life
My upbringing and origin have shaped me, among other things, into the person, coach and trainer that I am today. I have experienced what it is like to grow up in different cultures. Dutch, Israeli and Yemeni culture with a Jewish upbringing. In my eyes, this has advantages and disadvantages, but it has meant that I can empathise with others without judgment. After my teenage years, I quickly started to take different paths to get to know myself better. I experience it as a path from 'survival' to 'life'. 
My paths
One path has brought me a little further than the other and I am convinced that all paths were necessary to feel the way I feel today. I am increasingly succeeding in giving all feelings the space and time and by allowing them to be there. This applies to both the feelings of myself and my loved ones. My experience and method of working have also come from the best I have come across on all paths. 

Brain, body and heart
The combination of working with the brain, body and heart is the path I have traveled myself. At first I understood my own brain more and more and deepened my feelings. Then I noticed how important touch was to me and finally I could open my heart more. I experienced my greatest learning moments in the authenticity-time, where I gave my inner clock sufficient time and space. I have experienced those moments in training, coaching and also when I have been alone with myself.

I look forward to meeting you with brain, body and heart.


    • Attentive
    • Without Judgment
    • Empathy
    • Integrity
    • Respectful
    • Optimistic
    • Reliable
    • Steadfast
    • Humour


    • HBO Bachelor Sport, Management en Entrepreneurship
    • Completed NLP trainer training
    • Completed trainer training Systemic Counselor 
    • Solution Focused Work
    • Self Connection training (trauma work)
    • Rebirth (Dominique Desgranges)
    • Systemic Ritual (Daan van Kampenhout)