
In my coaching sessions I create 'authenticity-time' with you in which moments occur when you no longer know what time it is. You can daydream, be open-minded and open to the unexpected. Only in this "state of being" is there really room for self-insight. That is the basis for the lasting results that we can achieve together.
To achieve this 'authenticity-time' I have developed three different sessions in which the emphasis is on the brain, body and heart. The combination of brain, body and heart are essential for each session, but depending on the session you choose, the emphasised focus could be on any one (see below).


(1 - 1,5 hours)
In a brain-session, attention is focused on gaining insight into your life, thoughts and feelings. The insights allow you to better understand why you display certain behaviours and why you experience certain feelings in certain situations. In a brain-session, it is possible to use various methods, such as the (family) constellations or meditations. The new experiences and insights help you to be who you are. 


(1,5 - 2,5 hours)
The body has learned to stabilise from an early age through the loving touch of parents. If you are not touched much as a child, this can cause problems in processing emotions and intimacy. In a body-session, a massage gives space to the body (and indirectly the brain) to relax and to experience and process feelings. The body usually needs more time to stabilise and integrate new experiences. That is why the duration of this session is longer.


(8 - 9 uur verspreid over weken)
A heart-session is a trajectory spread over a number of weeks. The process starts with a preliminary interview. After this, a session of approximately four hours takes place. During this session you open your heart to yourself. You become aware of themes that lie beneath the surface, but which unconsciously guide you in life. In this session you can experience and process the feelings that emerge from this realisation in a way that you can handle. After this session there will be telephone contact moments for a week. A follow-up interview takes place two/three weeks later.