
We live in a fast paced society. People have never had so much time because technology has taken over a large part of our work. Yet we feel more rushed than ever. Ask 'how are you?' and a common reply is 'busy' and soon after 'but good'.

Cycle of time
Until the end of the Middle Ages, man's rhythm was determined by nature, the sun and the moon. A cycle that measured the time until the clock was introduced. The clock changed our experience of time. Opposite to the linear clock is the non-measurable inner time. The clock dictates how we live each day, instead of allowing our own rhythm, our own inner time, to lead.

By giving sufficient space to your inner time and to what is going on within you, you can determine your own path in life more from your heart. In this "authenticity-time" there are moments when you no longer know what time it is. You can daydream, be open-minded and be open to the unexpected. Only in this 'state of being' is there really room for self-insight. The 'new' arises in the authentic-time. I invite you to slow down, come to a halt and forget the clock for a moment.