Authentic Together Ceremony

Authentic Together Ceremony

October 18-20, 2024 - Culemborg

Welcome to Authentic Together Ceremony. A weekend in which there is plenty of space and time for your inner process and that of the other participants.

During this weekend we will work with the themes that are currently relevant to you and the group. We create a safe, personal, warm and professional setting to make a special inner journey. Your authenticity is central and you will discover how you experience it, both in contact with yourself and with others. Can you do that? Are you going to worry? Are you going to project? What do you encounter? What happens in contact with the other? Everything is good in that and sensing and discovering (again) through new paths which structure of yours is behind this is central. 

Program We start on Friday with getting to know each other and arrange the rooms. In the afternoon we provide a program in which the field is opened for the weekend, there is room for everyone's intentions for the weekend and we meet each other further. Then we have dinner together.

On Saturday we start with a light breakfast, after which the process day starts. We start with a breathing session, followed by the heart session after a short rest. We conclude with a delicious vegetarian meal. 

On Sunday morning we come together after breakfast to look back on the trial day. A moment to make space for everyone's process. We will conclude the Authentic Together Ceremony around 11:00 am.

Practical information:
Dates October 18, 19 and 20, 2024

Start F
riday walk in 3 p.m. and room distribution | program starts at 4 p.m. 
End Sunday 
end of program 11:00 am.

Location: Culemborg (exact location will follow by email) Location photos: click here.

Parking Free parking on site

Language Dutch/English for English-speaking participants

Group size: minimum 5 and maximum 6 participants

Guides Jaron Salem (see about me), Esther de Vries (see about Esther), depending on group size, there is another supervisor.

Price: €1089 pp (incl VAT) including 2 nights (in a double room), coffee, tea, fruit, dinner on Friday, breakfast on Saturday, dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday

Registration and / or more information: of +316 11 90 65 00 

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, September 25

Deelname To participate in this day, it is recommended that you have already experienced a heart session. If that is not the case, an intake is required. Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

Registration and cancellation
You can cancel without costs up to 6 weeks before the start. Between 4-6 weeks before the start, a cancellation fee of 1/3 (€363) of the total amount applies. If you cancel between 2-4 weeks, 2/3 (€726) will be charged. If you cancel within the last two weeks, you will receive a €150 refund.