
It is time
Make space
Go within 

Meet yourself
Stop being who you were
Or who you want to be
Be who you are

The time trusts you
And you?

Do you find yourself stuck in a certain area in your life? Or do you suffer from a burnout, depressive feelings, loneliness, anxiety or anything else that stops you from fully accepting and experiencing life.

Would you like to watch that with someone? A coach who listens to you without judgment? That reflection offers? That creates space that gets you moving again? My approach offers you enough time and space to achieve lasting results. Slow coaching represents an interruption in the daily routine to forget the clock time and give your inner time enough time, so that you can ultimately be yourself again. This can be done in sessions focused on the brain, body and/or heart. I usually work with individual, duo or group sessions. I also supervise various group processes in which you could participate. The Systemic Working (family constellations) courses at De Eerste Verdieping (Delft and Zoetermeer) and/or Bonding Therapy in Amsterdam. Please feel free to contact me to find out which form suits you best.

Welcome to my website. I look forward to meeting you in person.